(http://bigideamastermind.com/live/?id=cnn1) - Big Idea Mastermind Live WebCast in 2 hours. Behind the scenes with Millionaires. Live webcast (streaming live from Hawaii) where Vick Strizheus and several other 6 and
7 figure income earners will pull back the curtain and literally lay out a step-by-step blueprint for making $10K in about 30 days or so...
Vick personally tested this blueprint and it's brought in almost $1.9Million for him in the last 5 months.
...very stealthy stuff that works like "magic"
This training alone can sell for at least $5,000, but of course, you won't have to pay anything :-) Want a free MacBook? Or other cool stuff being given away? Don't even think about missing this. You NEED to be there. I promise you, you will not be the same again after hearing what Vick will share with you. Be sure to get there early because this webcast is happening LIVE and will not be repeated again.